What’s your beef?
By Mo Maxfield
“Where’s the beef?”
spoken by Carla Peller in early T.V. commercials.
Yup, inflation was alive and well back then too.
So, the million-dollar question is this, “where’s the beef?” Well, if it was up your ass you'd know. Hee haw! Hee haw! Thanks for asking!
But, no, I don’t want to talk about beef, no, I don’t want to talk about beef at all, I wanna talk about “SHIT”. (by the way if shit was up your ass, you’d know that too I’m pretty sure).
Hee haw! Hee haw!
Let’s talk about “shit” and all the hats the word wears. No, I am not shitting you. I want to bring into discussion, the versatile word “shit”, you as we know it.,
So, Okay~
Let’s do this.
I ran a blog quite a few years ago when I was in college, and I blogged about “Stuff”. Well, as I pondered about what my topic for discussion would be, I realized something, and it was simply this. “Shit” and “stuff" are literally the same in comparison, we’ll call this a “synonym”. “Shit” can be used as a verb such as "I took a healthy shit after lunch today”. “Shit” can be used as an adverb, like this I had a real “shitty” day cuz I caught my boss f#%king my old lady.
“Shit” can be used as a noun, for example, I saw the biggest pile of “shit” on my grass this morning, so I took the shit, and put it back on my neighbor's lawn. I think my neighbor is a real “shithead”. (pronoun).
I wonder about the “shit” people have or own. Some people don’t have any “shit” at all, I wonder about those people and how they survive without “shit”. Each day I take the same route to work and to my surprise these people are still there, on the sidewalks, with their shopping carts full of “shit” they call possessions. I sometimes wonder if it’s easier to exist without “shit” like a roof, food, shelter, shower, shitter . (some people call them “crappers”). I know I couldn't do it. I wonder about our politicians and if they ever take the same route as I drive on. Dare I say it, I am afraid that I am gonna' get “shit” for this but, frankly, I don’t give a “shit” about catching “shit" for this blog post. I’m the kind of gal who thinks a lot about getting a big stick, putting it into a bucket of shit and stirring. Yes, I like stirring up “shit”. I feel compelled to share sometimes, and sometimes sharing gets me into a lot of “shit”. Thanks for letting me. As a recovering alcoholic I have had the opportunity to sit in on some social gatherings, which shall remain nameless. I got a chance to witness shared testimony of terrible events people have gone through. A lot of these folks are well educated and have high paying jobs. Sadly, a lot of these people lost a lot of their “shit” for instance spouses, cars, homes, properties, (I could probably go on, but I won’t). I met hard working individuals that share the same affliction that I do. In the end, we live on a planet that we share as human beings and are taught to be empathetic to others who are not as fortunate as we are. I survived alcoholism today, however, the disease still lives within me. “Shitty” thing to say but it's for sure true. I am here to say it. Admitting defeat is a hard fact to admit, but when a person has lost all of their “shit”, and has literally hit rock bottom, defeat just kind of pokes it’s dirty little head in your face and screams “haha! I win! I think that is one big reason people turn to self-medicating. The stress of living in the 21st century, and finding purpose, cuz there are a lot of us out there, and we all need a reason to be here. That being said, I'll shut my pie-hole, not to be confused with my ass-hole, hee haw, haw hee haw!
Having support is key to achieving sobriety, in my opinion. Lord knows I have many...
(opinions that is). I do know one thing about “shit”, it always runs downstream. Anyway, there is a lot to be said about “shit”.
In the end, all I have to say is “shit happens”. Wipe your ass and get on with your life. That’s my story, I am sticking to it! The end.