“Opinion” this! JACKASS!!! Just because you scream it, don't make it true!!!
Opinions…who needs them? We the people do of course!
Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.
The problem with opinions, in my opinion, is that those who need to express their points of view truly believe that their opinion counts, and or matters. It does! To them. I was never really good at debate, which is the art of being right and proving it verbally, in front of an audience of peers who are sitting at the edge of their seats, anxiously waiting with intense curiosity to hear what baloney, babble and bullshit comes out of one's mouth... next! I never was very good at debate, so I didn’t take the class. I don’t care for conflict, it’s not worth the energy to argue one’s point. I do think opinions actually do matter, take the law for example. It is required to follow the rule of universal law that keeps us safe from doing stupid shit that ultimately affects our lives and other human beings' lives. This was established a long time ago, by a bunch of smart guys who knew exactly how to live…properly! Next week they’ll think of something else that will keep society from doing idiotic stuff like cooking your neighbor's cat and inviting them for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres directly after the slaughter. It reminds me of the swimming rule. Never swim right after eating your neighbor's cat. My mother always told me if you can’t say anything nice about something or someone, don’t say anything at all! I’m inclined to agree with her. Opinions count for sure. I get that but don’t try to shove my opinion down other people's throats because, in my opinion, of course, it’s only going to lead, in to conflict, hurt feelings, ego bashing, and a lot of other shitty, senseless wasted energy So that's it! My take on opinions. I could say more, but I’ll probably get in trouble for ranting, so I’ll keep my mouth shut…. for now. Thanks for reading my post. Please feel free to comment and leave your "opinion" about the content of this post. I really appreciate it! Thanks! Still new at this blogging stuff and I welcome any kind of suggestions and input!
: )
Nice MO. You really expanded and completed this thought. I am just waking up so take it with a grain of salt. That's my feedback opinion. So ha!