Computers have taken over OUR universe!!!
Are we getting lazy or have we just let computers and technology take over the chasms of our entire brain cavities? Seriously! Here’s a nugget for you all. I decided to let “Siri” give me directions to a place I wasn't familiar with the other day and what started out as what was supposed to be a 10 minute drive, turned out to be a half an hour, (not a pleasant one either) driving through hell to get to my destination, Come to find out, I spelled the address incorrectly and was literally taken on a joy ride from hell! (by the way, I really f#$king HATE “Siri”). Anyway, and this is just my opinion, but it seems to me that we are so dependent on our technology that we have become stupid pieces of human flesh melting away into disgusting mush; being sucked into the blackhole of technological linear existence! I admit it! I get separation anxiety when I can't find my phone, Luckily, I have "find y phone app, on my other devise, so I am never too worried about little things like that. Buy, really, I have the utmost respect for technology. I can remember back in the day, having to get off my lazy ass, and literally walk across the living room to our families TV set and turn a knob to change channels. (all three of them). To be honest, I do rely on my technology way to much, mainly because I like blogging and like sharing insights with folks who posses the same interests as I do. All I'm saying is, that when you think about it, there are so many ways of using technology these days that make life a lot easier, It is pretty cool, or is it?. For example, how easy would it be to get away with little shit, like cheating on college exams and passing most of the time, by simply clicking on the question and googling it. Makes me wonder how many stupid people are passing college courses by cheating. Scary, isn't it? Don't know about anyone else, but it worries me. The Internet makes it really easy to do. (not that I ever did that, mind you!) I’m just saying…and another thing, I don’t know what is worse, texting while driving or looking at the navigational monitor while driving. Heaven forbid, you get an incoming call while trying to figure out what option to click on your oversized computer that's sitting in the center of your dash. I wonder how many people have been in accidents created by distracted "highway Googlers"? I haven’t done the research, cuz I’m lazy! It’s the internet's fault, I know that if I wanted to, all I’d have to do is “Google it”, and send the message along to you readers, but I’m not gonna! You have fu#$king fingers and technology if you're reading this, Google it yourself! lol! Thanks for reading my post but please don’t get me started on” Audiobooks”. Lord have mercy, we have to use our brain to read words, now we have "audiobooks" to read words to us, UGH! I’ll shut up now. Thanks for letting me share,
Take care readers. Peace, love and JUJU-Bees
